I Help Organizations and Their Leaders Become More Effective.
For over 30 years, I have worked with individuals, their teams, and colleagues, throughout organizations to enhance individual, group, and organizational performance.
I am deeply experienced in collaborating with clients to build healthier and better performing organizations. Perhaps the challenge arises from ground shaking changes such as market reconfigurations, unsettling leadership changes, essential remaking of culture, driving innovation or the pressing demands of growth precipitated by organic expansion or acquisition... or the unique challenges of a pandemic and its aftermath. I have the experience and the expertise to assist.
At root, organizations enable or inhibit getting work done and getting it done well or not. The best organizations succeed because more people can do more, can accomplish more by being members of them. Leaders build and advance such organizational competency by developing themselves, their teams, and the systems that comprise their organizations. I can help leaders to do just that.
Industry Experience and Expertise
I have worked in industries and in firms as they confront the challenges of change—challenges driven by external or internal forces. I have extensive experience in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, telecommunications, power generation, transmission, and distribution, financial services, digital and internet, specialty chemicals, professional services (especially design and medical), and healthcare, particularly academic based provider organizations.
Leading Change
I focus on research, established best practices and a systems approach to collaborate in guiding the redesign of the systems and processes that drive our behavior at work. I emphasize the importance of beginning with the end in mind. MORE
Building Organizations
Where is your organization headed and how do you plan to get there? I work with C-suite leaders, SBU heads, and leaders of departments and service lines to answer those questions. MORE
Leadership Development
I collaborate broadly with leaders in expanding both their abilities and those of their organizations through developmental coaching. More uniquely, I provide both role support and thought partnering to address immediate leadership issues. MORE
Enhancing Board Performance
I assist Boards in several key areas: balancing eyes on but fingers off operations, selecting and transitioning CEOs, and increasing the quality of Board decision-making and overall functioning as a group. MORE
Because your real job is change.
…. Books for leaders ready to take on change….